4. Trees and hierarchical orders

Before we proceed with looking at data structures for storing linearly ordered data, we must take a diversion to look at trees. At first glance, it appears as if trees are most appropriate for storing hierarchically ordered data; however, we will later see how trees can also be used to allow efficient storage of linearly ordered data, as well.

4.1 Introduction to trees pptx pdf V Q - W D -
4.2 Abstract trees pptx pdf V Q - W - -
4.3 Tree traversals pptx pdf V Q - W D -
4.4 Parental trees pptx - - - - Optional W - -
4.5 Forests pptx - - - - Optional W - -
4.6 The mechanism of recursion, part 1 pptx - - - - Optional W - -

5. Ordered trees

A general tree is appropriate for storing hierarchical orders, where the relationship is between the parent and the children. There are many cases, however, where the tree data structure is more useful if there is a fixed number of identifiable children. This topic looks at binary trees as well as perfect and complete binary trees, N-ary trees, the concept of balance, binomial trees, and left-child right-sibling binary trees (a technique for storing general trees as binary trees).

5.1 Binary trees pptx pdf - Q A W D -
5.2 Perfect binary trees pptx pdf - Q A W D -
5.3 Complete binary trees pptx pdf - Q A W D -
5.4 N-ary trees pptx pdf - Q A W D -
5.5 Balanced trees pptx pdf - Q A W D -
5.6 Binomial trees pptx - - - - Optional W D -
5.7 Left-child right-sibling binary trees pptx - - - - Optional W D -

6. Search trees

This topic looks at storing linearly ordered data in search trees. The focus is to ensure that operations on individual elements stored in the tree run in Θ(ln(-)) time.

6.1 Binary search trees pptx pdf - Q A W D -
6.2 AVL trees pptx - - - - W D -
6.3 In-order traversals pptx pdf - Q A W D -
6.4 Multiway search trees (was M-way trees) pptx pdf - Q A - D -
6.5 B+ trees pptx - - - - W D -
6.6 Red-Black trees pptx - - - - Optional W D -
6.7 k-d trees pptx - - - - Optional W D -
6.8 BB[α] trees pptx - - - - Optional - D -
6.9 Splay trees pptx - - - - Self study W D -
6.10 Average depth of random binary trees pptx - - - - Optional W - -

7. Priority queues

A priority queue stores linearly ordered data based on the priority; however, by restricting the operations, those operations can be optimized.

7.1 Priority queues pptx pdf - Q - Español W D C
7.2 Binary heaps pptx pdf - Q - Español W D -
7.3 d-ary heaps pptx - - - - Optional W D -
7.4 Leftist heaps pptx - - - - Optional W D -
7.5 Skew heaps pptx - - - - Optional W - -
7.6 Binomial heaps pptx - - - - Optional W D -

8. Sorting algorithms

9. Hash functions and hash tables

Note that previously I used to teach linear probing and double hashing; however, it has been brought to my attention that quadratic hashing is better—especially when we consider the effects of caching and the additional cost of cache misses.

9.1 Introduction to hash tables pptx pdf - - - W D -
9.2 Hash functions pptx pdf - Q - W D -
9.3 Mapping down to 0, . M − 1 pptx pdf - Q - W - -
9.4 Chained hash tables pptx - - Q - W D -
9.5 Scatter tables - - - - - - - -
9.6 Open addressing pptx - - Q - W D -
9.7 Linear probing pptx - - Q - W D -
9.8 Quadratic probing pptx - - - - W D -
9.9 Double hashing pptx - - Q - Optional W D -
9.10 Poisson distribution pptx - - - - Optional W - C

10. Equivalence relations and disjoint sets

10.1 Disjoint sets pptx - - - - Self study W D -
10.2 Trees and forests as disjoint sets pptx - - - - - - -
10.3 Partition refinement - - - - - W D -

11. Graph algorithms

12. Algorithm design

12.1 Introduction to algorithm design techniques pptx - - - - W - -
12.2 Greedy algorithms pptx - - - - W D -
12.3 Divide-and-conquer algorithms pptx - - - - W D -
12.4 Dynamic programming pptx - - - - W D -
12.5 Backtracking algorithms pptx - - - - W D -
12.6 Branch-and-bound algorithms - - - - Optional W D -
12.7 Stochastic algorithms pptx - - - - W D C

13. Theory of computation

13.1 Theory of computation pptx - - - - W D -
13.2 Turing completeness pptx - - - - W D -
13.3 Decidability and the halting problem pptx - - - - W D -
13.4 NP completeness pptx - - - - W D -

14. Other topics

14.1 Sparse matrices pptx - - - - Optional W D -
14.2 Searching algorithms pptx - - - - Optional W D -
14.3 Standard Template Library (STL) summary pptx - - - - Optional W - -

15. Concluding remarks

15.01 Summary and conclusions pptx - - - - W D -


Algorithms and Data Structures
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo , Ontario , Canada N2L 3G1