The purpose of this summary is to provide insights learned from the most recent 2022 survey on that subject, as well as compare findings between the two survey years.
The Climate Change Policy Guide is a very timely publication by the American Planning Association and efforts by APA's Sustainable Communities Division.
Embodied within the document are over 50 policies and hundreds of supporting strategies to help planners to proactively and effectively respond to a changing climate. The policies and strategies are organized by the six APA Sustainability Comprehensive Plan Standards categories, including the Livable Built Environment; Harmony with Nature; Resilient Economy; Interwoven Equity; Healthy Communities; and Responsible Regionalism. There is also a separate category focused on needed federal and state policies.
During 2020, SCD took leadership on this update where every one of the principal authors was a member of the division. SCD will continue to develop resources, information, and best practices to support planners in their efforts to respond to changing climate and in creating sustainable, resilient, and equitable communities.
The purpose of the Data Collection Process Guide is to provide guidance on accessible data collection or data calculation methodologies commonly associated with climate action for communities across the United States with emphasis on communities attempting to develop a climate action plan or greenhouse gas inventory. Communities are encouraged to reach out to state APA chapters, state agencies, regional planning bodies (including metropolitan planning organizations) or local organizations to see if more community-specific or local data is available to them.